Time to look back prt 1

Time to look back prt 1

hey yall πŸ™‚
Today I went to the open house of the Cegep I want to go to next year after high school and in the next week i’ll have a written story about it, I just don’t have the energy to do it tonight. (i’m so lazy).. Anyway today while I was looking for something to write about or for you guys to look at I came across some old photos that I took when I first started on my path into Photography. I thought I would share those with you.
Please comment what you think, tell me things that I’ve improved or that have stayed the same. ! I really enjoy your comments. Have a great night !
-Stay classy ❀

Sitting here in French class.

Hey guys just writing a little text saying that I haven’t abandoned this blog. It’s more along the lines I’ve been so busy and life has been so hectic that I haven’t had time to sit down. Now I’m in my French class and being an awesome student and doing shit all with my life. It’s kinda nice. It’s just one of those days where you want to go back to sleep as soon as you get up. Today I had to be in three places at once and it ended up being a huge fail. I got yelled at twice. But people can’t expect the world out of me. I’m one person who can only run so fast around a school. Anyway I know I’m just ranting about useless crap that won’t help anyone in their daily lives. But it’s what’s going through my head and I knew I needed to write something pronto! And the schools iPad had WordPress and I got excited :3 hope your having a better day than I am! Next post will most likely be a photography post because I finally found my wire!

-stay classy

Social Media is crazy !

Hey yall πŸ™‚Β 

So today I just wanted to put in a short little entry about social media !Β 

I’m in it, your in it, were all typically on something, whether tit’s wordpress, twitter, tumblr, facebook even skype we all have something to keep us connected through the world. Today iv’e decided i’m going to attempt to get followed by some of my favorite artists on twitter. I decided to start with passenger. How I started was, I followed every single person who he followed and naturally some of them followed back. I ended up having some conversations with some of these people and learning new things about people that I wouldn’t have known about him. Β 


I went from have 100 followers to 300 in one day! XD I don’t know if this is legit, but I feel so much closer to finding him and talking to him then i did earlier today. It’s amazing how by a push of a button I can have conversations with people so close to your teen idols. I thought this was pretty cool.Β 


Anyway I hope your having a wonderful day and to the fellow Canadians out there! HAPPY THANKSGIVING πŸ˜‰Β 


-Stay ClassyΒ 



5 reasons I get up in the morning :)

Hey yall πŸ™‚Β 

So today I woke up wondering why I have to wake up. Mostly because I was having the most wonderful of dreams, and when my alarm went off and then I realized. Wow, compared to my dreams.My life sucks.. So today ill list some reasons why it’s great to wake up in the morning.Β 


1) So the first reason I think i’m going to be pretty cheesy here, BUT waking up in the morning to smell the fresh air is something I love to do. Myself and multiple other people in this world πŸ˜› I leave my house around 8 am and I always love walking outside and taking that first deep breath of fresh air. No matter the weather, it always seems to be so refreshing. It makes my senses feel relaxed, refreshed and ready for the day. πŸ˜€Β 

2) Family is an important part of my morning. I usually get up to everyone running around getting ready for the day. They are the first people I see in my day, and depending on their mood, they set my mood for the day indirectly. Whether they put me in a good mood or great mood, they are still my family and I still love them and waking up to the people you love should always be a reason to get up in the morning πŸ™‚Β 

3) They say you learn something new everyday, but i you don’t wake up you can’t enrich your knowledge and learn anything about life. Now I don’t mean school learning, because not everyone loves that, but just lessons we learn about life. Example: the more time you spend on concentration on falling asleep, the less it’s likely your going to actually fall asleep… Never would’ve known that if I didn’t wake up because I would always be asleep.. MIND BLOWN..Β 

4) The bright side of life. Simple gestures like complimenting someone, or helping someone out when their in need. When you don’t wake up you cant make an effect on someone’s day and you can’t have the happy feeling you get when helping people out.Β 

5) Simply just enjoying the quality of life, you have to start by getting out of bed. If I stayed in my room all day I wouldn’t experience anything that I have in my lifetime. Everyday you start a new adventure and a new destiny. Enjoy it.Β 


That’s all for me today πŸ™‚ I think i’m going to go putter around for a bit and then go to sleep so tomorrow I can wake up and make a small difference in my life, or not. Depends on what the day brings me.Β 

-Stay Classy πŸ™‚ ❀

Joey Gatto is a talented beast.

Hey yall πŸ™‚ goodmorning bonjour all that jazz πŸ˜‰

so today I wanted to share with you a youtber who has mad talent :3
His Name is Joey Gatto. He beatboxes, he sings, he plays multiple instruments and he’s just amazing all around. Not forgetting to mention hilarious πŸ™‚
Soo i hope you enjoy ! πŸ™‚

-stay classy